Vi kan rett og slett ikke akseptere at en ung kvinne som gjør en stor jobb med å sette søkelyset på menneskerettsbrudd i Norge, slik Tonje Omdahl gjør, gjennomgående blir trakassert av norske myndigheter.
Derfor har jeg skrevet dette brevet til Europarådet, nettopp for å varsle om den trakasseringen som foregår. Norske myndigheter opptrer hyklersk når de later som de beskytter menneskerettsforkjempere , men i realiteten driver med grov trakassering og personforfølgelse.
Så får vi håpe at statsadvokat, Arvid Malde, nyter sin nye tilværelse med å få oppmerksomhet i utlandet for sine «prestasjoner».
Her er brevet:
To whom it may concern in the Council of Europe.
Copy: Public
Harassment and persecution of Human Rights defenders in Norway.
This letter concerns in particular the harassment and persecution of the young Human Rights defender, Tonje Omdahl.
I refer to previous correspondence in respect to how Human Rights defenders are being systematically harassed in Norway.
The European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly held that persecution and harassment of Human Rights defenders strikes at the very heart of the Convention system, see eg Annagi Hajibeyli v. Azerbaijan § 68, ALIYEV v. AZERBAIJAN, premise 181 and in particular Mammadov v AZERBAIJAN.
In line with the international standards, the recipients of this mail should attach particular importance to the special role of Human Rights defenders in promoting and defending human rights, including in close cooperation with the Council of Europe, and their contribution to the protection of human rights in the member States.
Norway, sadly does not live up to these standards.
One of the Human Rights activists who are constantly being harassed and persecuted by the Norwegian regime, is 21-year-old Tonje Omdahl living in Stavanger.
She has done a remarkable job helping children who are under public care, something in which the Norwegian authorities clearly dislikes. For her work, she was awarded a Human Rights price in the fall of 2020.
The local police and prosecutors in Stavanger are doing what they can to prevent her freedom of expression. Last out is the district prosecutor, Arvid Malde, who has brought charges against her as a result of her statements on Facebook against what she believes to be public abuse of power. He also uses against her that she has 4,000 followers on Facebook.
I can only express my extreme embarrassment about how the Norwegian regime behaves towards Human Rights defenders, and ask for the international society to put Norway on particular focus.
Oslo, 8 April, 2024
Marius Reikeras.